1.3 Map

KC3 maps are like Elixir maps, they are key-values enclosed in %{} :

ikc3> a = %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
%{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}

Destructuring works with maps to extract values :

ikc3> %{id: id, title: "My title", message: message} = ^ a
%{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
ikc3> id
ikc3> message
"Hello, world !"

You can use the dot syntax to access map values from a Sym key :

ikc3> a = %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
%{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
ikc3> a.id
ikc3> a.message
"Hello, world !"

You can also use the KC3.access function for the same result :

ikc3> a = %{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
%{id: 1, title: "My title", message: "Hello, world !"}
ikc3> access(a, :id)
ikc3> access(a, :message)
"Hello, world !"

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